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F8TH Inc is a faith based, nonprofit youth program developed for the purpose of empowering and equipping at risk youth 12-17 years old by providing support for the purpose of creating high-quality after-school program outside of regular school hours.

We believe all children can embrace who they are, define their future, and change the world.

Our Mission

Our Mission

To inspire, educate and improve the quality of life for at- risk youth ages 12-17 through positive youth development in a safe and supportive environment. Encouraging youth to become active, productive members of their families’ schools, and communities.

Happy Family

Our Vision

F8TH Inc after-school program is defined as a program that takes place when school is not in session and provides educational, enrichment, mentorship, and recreational activities for youth.


The specific purpose of the program is to implement structure for at-risk youth by offering students both academic/educational, mentorship and enrichment activities, such as youth development activities, drug, violence and pregnancy prevention programs, counseling, project-based learning, art, music, and technology education programs.  The objectives of this program are to improve their social skills, behavior, academic achievement, self- esteem, and self- confidence.

We Need Your Support Today!

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